Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19, 2009

It's been seven days since my grandmother died. We've had a rough weekend. Yet we've been able to laugh about some things that she'd said and done.

For instance...

My mom told me that, a few weeks ago, she was teasing Grandma about her "cat." (Grandma hated cats. There was just a stray hanging around outside.) My mom had found some old pizza, and told Grandma that she was going to feed it to her cat and racoon. "What cat and racoon?" Grandma said. "The ones hanging around outside." Grandma thought for a moment. And then she tartly replied, "Ya reckon I'll get some kitoons?"

(Get it? Cat + racoon?)

Grandma was always cracking us up. I'm so glad we can still laugh about her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This explains a lot about your own sense of humor, Stef!